Monthly Archives: October 2011

The End of Year Donation Mindset

I was just thinking about how people often think about donating to worthy causes during when the end of the year approaches. During that moment of pondering it occurred to me. It’s another sweet idea in reaching out to your co-workers. It’s an idea that acknowledges there is more to the workplace than people stuffed in cubicles or wandering showrooms.


So what’s the idea? It’s a good time to let your co-workers know about the different needs in your home church, or in missions across the globe.

How do you mean? Your church may have several needs. Why not post them on your bulletin board in the office break room with your name listed as a contact for more information.


Not your cup of tea? Well then, how about posting something that gives the location information for the local Salvation Army Chapter, or other large nationwide charity? Then volunteer to be the drop-off cubicle for donations, or set up a drop-off box in the lobby of the building. Then actually take those donations (don’t keep them – remember, be a vessel of honor) to the Salvation Army.

Image via


Here’s another option. Ever heard of Samaritan’s Purse International Relief? Well, they have a Christmas Catalog that comes out about this time of year. I just got mine. It’s not a typical catalog that you order goods from. Instead it’s a catalog that lists a bunch of ministry needs that are found around the world. In the listing of each individual need is a suggested donation. For example:

  • Feed a Hungry Baby for a Week – Suggested Donation
    = $9
  • Build a School for Impoverished children –
    Suggested Gift $15K or “Share the Cost” at $30
  • Life-Saving Medicine – Suggested Gift = $60
  • Freshwater Wells – Suggested Gift $100 or “Share
    the Cost” at $40
  • Dairy Goats – Suggested Gift = $70
  • Operation Christmas Child (Shoeboxes filled with
    gifts for children) – Adopt A Box $7 or Adopt A Carton $105


If you’re not familiar with Samaritan’s Purse, that’s okay. You can always do something similar yourself. A shoebox drive of your own for needy families in your neighborhood might work for you.


What I’m saying is, as we approach the end of the year, many people already have the mindset of helping or donating to a cause. This is an opportunity for you to put yourself in a place to share the Gospel at work, while at the same time benefitting the cause.


That’s something to consider.